

July 20th -The Oyster Bar, solo - Little Rock, Arkansas 6-9 PM
July 27th- Stone's Throw Brewing Anniversary Block party with Brian Nahlen. 7-10 PM

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Remember when I asked for rain?

Let’s just say that I got what I wanted and even more.  Today it simply “came a flood” as they say down south.  I don’t mind an excess of water as long as it stays where it’s supposed to be, which brings me to my basement.  My wife went into the deep the other day and reported back that she heard running water.  Knowing that there was no reason for that I instantly went in to panic mode and raced to the basement expecting the worst.  I got it.  It seems a rat had a feast on several sections of flexible pipe that our plumber installed.  If it hadn’t been for the sump pump the house probably would have floated away.  The worst part is we don’t know how long all that water was spraying.  At least a few days, I would imagine.  I shut off the water and repaired the bad spots with quick-connect fittings and we’ll have the plumber replace all that Pex with copper ASAP.  I realize that plumbers are getting away from copper due to it’s expense, but we just can’t have this sort of thing again.  Although our floor joists and floor boards were soaked in that corner of the house I don’t think there is any lasting damage.  I used a de-humidifier and fan to help dry things out.  Fingers crossed.

In the world of music:  My first recording session for my solo album is in the can and I think we’ve got something good going here.  I go back in on the 27th to do some more acoustic and vocal tracks  before bringing in the band.  In my perfect world I’d have this completed by the end of January but we’ll see.  This will be my first solo album to see the light of day and I want to do it right.  At least as right as I can afford.

This Saturday I’m at Cajun’s Wharf with The Brian Nahlen Band and on the 27th we’ll all be at Markham Street Grill and Pub.  I love those venues and I love playing with those guys.  Rock on, World!