

July 20th -The Oyster Bar, solo - Little Rock, Arkansas 6-9 PM
July 27th- Stone's Throw Brewing Anniversary Block party with Brian Nahlen. 7-10 PM

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Getting things done, People!

So, I had another recording session yesterday.  When it comes to guest stars/accompaniment I like to give each person plenty of time.  People need to be relaxed to do their best and that’s incredibly difficult to do when they see me watching the clock.  Fortunately Jay, the proprietor of Brown Carpet Studio, understands this and focuses on quality of recording rather than how much money he can make in a day, which puts everyone at ease and makes for an enjoyable process.  It’s because of this that I was able to bring in two different “guest stars” yesterday and I’m thrilled with everything they did.  Barbara Raney, a legend in my book, sang some beautiful country harmony on my song “All My Women”.  I probably would have teared up were it not for the fact that I was in the control room with the other star of the day, Johnny Atomic and Jay.  They would have laughed.  Still it gave me chills to hear it.  After Barbara finished her song we opened the wine and sat back while Johnny laid down some excellent country licks on “My Eyes Are Everywhere”.  It was perfect!  I’m hurting to get this music out there but I’ve still got a ways to go since I’m dealing with musicians and their absurd schedules.  Stay tuned!