let’s do this!

I’m putting the band back together and I mean it this time! That’s right.  A few months back I contacted Barth Grayson, music promoter, and told him I’d be interested in performing at the newly revived Strawberry Jam up at his farm in Bald Knob. With so much established talent vying for a slot I really didn’t think I’d be included. Not only was I included I’ve been given the opening slot which is perfect. Some people don’t think so because the opening act is the soundcheck band. We perform before anybody gets there usually and by the time we’re done the sound system will be fine tuned and ready for everyone that follows.  Actually, none of that matters to me because it’s giving me the kick in the ass I needed to get my group of guys back together for some good rockin’ fun! We’ve been practicing for several weeks now and I cannot wait to take the stage up there in Bald Knob. It’s also given me the kick in the ass I needed to get things together like an electronic press kit, promo prics, and a tighter online presence. I tend to get lazy.