I think I’m having too much fun!

Hale15Still working my ass off on my CD which will hopefully be ready for post-production in a couple of weeks.  It would be very helpful if everyone else on earth would realize that I need space.  Space to focus on this, by baby!  I need everyone else to politely back away.. unless I need them to step forward and record something.  That’s not too much to ask, is it?  Speaking of that sort of thing: Stephen Winter came in on Tuesday and laid down a couple of excellent organ and piano tracks.  What can I say?  The cat is talented.  It sounds unbelievable and I can’t wait to get it out in the world.  Space, people.

Friday night Brian and I had a hoot and a hollar at Reno’s Argenta Cafe.  We’ll be doing it again Thursday night, Cinco De Mayo, at El Chico off the Interstate.  Can’t wait to chow down on some great Mexican food and sink a margarita or two.  Stay tuned for more updates and whining.  Hale out!

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