It’s all smiles here at The Hale Estate!

Saturday was simply amazing! I went in the studio at 12:30 PM with my great friends and musical partners: Lance Womack, Mike Nelson, and Gerry Lambert, and by 4:30 we had lain down 3 great rhythm tracks. These are songs that I’ve had bouncing around my subconscious for nearly 20 years but haven’t had the right motivation to record. I feared my arrangements would be too weird for others to grasp without struggle but, as it turns out, I was worried for nothing. We got together two nights last week and knocked it out while the tape was rolling. I can’t wait to start putting the finishing touches on these songs. I’ve got two more songs left to record this coming weekend, with Larry Mann on bass and Darrell Johnson on drums and I expect it’ll go just as smoothly. When it’s all said and done I’ll have 7 songs in the can and I can then focus on how to pay for the mass duplication. I’m not going to go crazy over the packaging, as I’ve done in the past. Since we’re going to Ireland this summer I’ll have to be cost-aware about everything. First-world problems, I know.
This Friday The Hi-balls return to Thirst n Howl after nearly a year of absence from that stage and since Larry will be in town he’s going to play a few numbers with us. On Saturday the 23rd I’ll be appearing at The White Water Tavern for the first time in a while as part of the KABF 88.3 benefit: The music of The Last Waltz. Me and several other friends will play Rag, Mama Rag and Dry Your Eyes. It should be a lot of fun.

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