New year, same attitude

We did New Years Eve at Flying Saucer and had a very responsive crowd, once the Cotton Bowl game was over. Nothing like being asked to rock and roll in front of a projector screen showing a football game. I was a little more attitudnal than I should have been. To a non-player I can’t describe the anger I felt for all of us on that stage. I looked across and saw Mike Nelson and Lance Womack playing their hearts out to a room full of people that were paying attention to something going on over their heads. It was maddening. Enough about that. By the end of the night the bar was happy and so were we. I appreciate the way the management and staff over there put up with us geezers.
Gig-wise there isn’t much going on this month but my crew and I are keeping busy in the studio, working on my soon-to-be-released solo CD. I’m completely fired-up about this. Before it’s over I’ll have help from two different rhythm sections: Lance and Mike, and former bassist, Larry Mann along with Darrell Johnson, an amazing R&B drummer. My old friend Eric Ware has promised to add some guitar, which I’m ecstatic about. I’ve also been blessed by having some of the finest female singers in Arkansas agree to spice up some of my tracks, Shannon and Jamie Boshears, and the legendary Barbara Raney.
I can die when this over. Thank you.

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