Excitement reigns!

Putting on a show immediately after a Razorback loss is never easy.  The crowds are subdued at best, and downright surly at worst.  Saturday night at Cregeens fell in the middle of that spectrum but fortunately I had a few good friends to share the evening with and, of course, I love the staff there so it was all good.  What truly made the night special, however, was my brand new Martin electric-acoustic.  It’s one of the 0001 series which is sort of an introductory model but it’s still a far superior instrument than what I had.  I truly love to hear it ring.  That’s why I’m so excited about this weekend.  Friday night I’m back at Blue Canoe Brewing Co. where the people are so nice, the room is cozy, and the beer they brew us above par.  I can’t wait to see them again and soak up some true craft-beer.  Saturday night I’m playing a new venue for me.  It’s called the Lobby Bar, because it’s just off the lobby of a small theater in downtown Little Rock.  I’ve never been in there but from the outside it looks cozy and sophisticated.  Joining me for the first time in a while will be my good friend, Mark Wyers, on lead guitar.  This should be fun.  Stay tuned…

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